Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Face Reality

I am now ready for the end of what I thought would be an eternity. It seems like just moments ago I got a chance to see Heaven. I saw a future more beautiful than I had ever imagined. The morning sun and midnight moon shines the same beautiful light to each and every day. I was in Love. Then, reality set in. I now realize that the price to see Heaven, is to live in hell.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Follow the Light!

We must get out the darkness. I look toward the light but at times it's too dim to follow. I have my own light that shines as bright as the sun, but one can not follow his own light. My light shine for others to find their way out of the darkness, and in return gives them to shine for others. I'll keep working until my job is done. No pain is too great for me to bare and no hole is too deep for me to climb out of. The strength in my soul is unmatched. I am one with the Earth and all life that it feeds. I am Gods image in the form of man with great destiny.

Be Honest

Why do I feel like I must give all of myself and accept less than all from others? My understanding haunts me daily. It doesn't allow me to be selfish and uncaring. It forces me to love no matter what, even when I'm not loved back. We wait for the day someone will look us in the eyes and tell me the 100% truth. But little do we know, the truth will tell itself. If what you say is not Worth the honesty that I deserve, then it's not worth saying. We must learn to be honest with ourselves before we can honest with others. How good of friend am I if you can't tell me the truth?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Star

  • I can only imagine what she's thinking. She speaks through the pain in her eyes and the truth in her soul. She's beautiful, she's talented, she's a star. "Lady Star" singer, songwriter poet. Check her out at

The Obvious

Only a fool can not see the obvious. Eyes with sight but no vision, deceive only themselves. Our internal connections bless us with another vision that allows us to see without eyes. Pay close attention to the awkward moments. Remove the blinders so that you see from all angles, and the obvious will appear.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

My Circle

I find myself surrounded by good Souls all haunted by their own experiences. I find piece among them. We find comfort in each others words and hope in each others eyes. It's a solid circle, a family like some have never known and others never will. I hold these souls close to my own. I understand them well, and I'll miss them.

No Regrets

I've managed to find energy in the movement of life. A constant flow of ups and downs, goods and bads. The bad times only last as long as I allow them to. I see the situation for what it is and I understand it. If I'm needed for only a short period I must make that period my priority, and at the end of that period I must realize it's worth. A short time can last a life time, so I must cherish all times and regret nothing. I must be able to live with consequences of my decisions and not be afraid to make those decisions again.

The Impossible Dream

Each morning I reflect on Bad yesterdays and look forward to better tomorrows that never seems to come. So, the only thing to do is to make the best out of the present. Happiness only seems to come in moments and I live for those moments. I would give my life to see the world change into the beautiful world that's inside my heart, but I'm losing ground. Nobody lives for what IS but for the possibilities of what could be. As we chase these possibilities we lose sight of what's real and what's simple. We forget about the basics in life, such Man, Woman, Child and family. Dreams control the mind of the masses. No matter how long it takes to find those dreams, we continue to chase. I've always found having a family a more tangible dream that could easily become a reality, but if it's so easy to become reality why can't I find it? Could it be because everyone's chasing the wrong dreams or is it Me who's chasing an impossible dream?